The Hyde Collection, Glens Falls, N.Y.

The Hyde Collection, Glens Falls, N.Y.
One of My Favorite Places on Earth

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Solstice on The Hudson

This is my version of James Taylor's remedy for climbing up to the roof to get away from it all. I do it when I don't have the time to invest in a drive to Lake George or points further north. It's a spot on the Hudson River, right in the middle of the little city of Glens Falls, and coincidentally, a stone's throw from the hospital where I decided to make my planetary debut.

Since today is the solstice, I knew that starting tomorrow, opportunities for taking sun-drenched photos at 8 p.m. would be dwindling, so here's my montage.

Pay no attention to the factory in the background! (This is why "Last of The Mohicans" was filmed in the wilds of North Carolina).


Sarah Viola said...

Great photos -- did you take them?

Stacey Morris said...

I did! My new Canon and I are getting better acquainted every day...

Anonymous said...

The pictures are a nice reminder of some of the things I love about "home." Thanks for bringing a smile to my face. : )